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Standard Type Cable Lugs

Standard Type Cable Lugs

Kardeş Elektrik San. Tic. A.Ş. which has been operating in electricity sector for more than 60 years, started Cable Lugs manufacturing in its new manufacturing plant in 2017.

We have never compromised on our understanding of  quality since the day we set out, and this understanding will increase day by day and will continue to set a direction and set an example in the sector.

It has been the biggest factor in our coming to this position. We aim to go further our effort with our own production products such as pacco switch, cable lugs, carbon brushes, starter solenoids and as well the European brands represented by us in Turkey.

Kardeş cable lugs are produced of 99.95% electrolytic copper tubes in accordance with EN 13600 standards. Our standard serie cable lugs (KP) are our standard production from 10 mm2 to 400 mm2 and are available in different cross-sections and metric sizes. Our lugs are specially designed for optimum electrical conductivity.

Kardeş Elektrik, as the company that introduced the “Correct Lug, Correct Die” concept to the market, recommend the using of the clamping die which is specially produced for our lugs.

We will always be happy to assist you in choosing the truest product, as we are used to doing.

Kardeş Cable Lugs with competitive prices and high-quality standards which are developed considering sectoral requirements will always be with you to meet your needs with our extensive authorized dealer network and sales representatives throughout Turkey.

Click for Standard Type Cable Lug Brochure.

Producing quality for 60+ years