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Group Companies

SKC Karbon San. ve Tic. A.S.

With its current machinery park and experienced team, SKC Karbon has been offering its services to industrial facilities in which the use of carbon and graphite is indispensible in electrical, mechanical and industrial applications by using the graphite raw materials and products of the globally known expert brands such as Helwig Carbon Products Inc, Gerken SA,  Schmidthammer-Elektrokohle dealership it has obtained since 1999.

Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy, Chemical Industry, Energy Generation, Environmental Technologies, Transportation, Semi-Conductor Technology, Medicine and Laboratory Technologies, Glass / Ceramics Industry are some of the sectors which use the products in our portfolio.

Within our product range are carbon graphite and tightness bearings, pallette carbons for vacuum pumps, carbon brush holders, carbon collectors for crains, continuous casting, pantograph carbons and other special graphites. We provide the highest quality service in our sector through our global quality understanding.

SKC Karbon serves various industries for following applications  primarily:

  • Glass Industry Applications
  • Aluminium Industry Applications
  • Carbon & Graphite products for casting non ferrous-metals
  • High Thermal Applications,
  • Electrical Applications,
  • Mechanical Applications,
  • Diamond Tools manufacturing  applications


100 % local production of carbon & graphite products

Concentration of our line of business on the users in key industries, our commitment to Total Quality Management, and integration with the global network of the suppliers we represent constitute the foundation of our success. Aiming to expand our operations in Turkey, our company has decided to continue its activities under the name of SKC Karbon Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim

For more information click here .

Producing quality for 60+ years